Prof. Nikolaos M. Freris
Prof. Nikolaos M. Freris

Prof. Nikolaos M. Freris


Prof. Nikolaos M. Freris

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China

Speech Title: AIoT: Learning from distributed data in Cyberphysical Systems


Cyberphysical Systems (CPS) encapsulate very large networks of “smart” devices (possessing sensing, communication, and computation capabilities) that control physical entities. Notable examples enlist Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Intelligent Transportation, Sensor Networks, and Swarm Robotics. 

The ever-emerging paradigm of AIoT targets solutions that capitalize the computational power of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices to enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in system operations. This is accomplished by shifting away from centralized cloud computing to decentralized edge computing. 

This keynote talk will comprise four parts: 

1) Online detection and localization of forced oscillations in smart grids

2) Real-time estimation of travel time distributions in transportation systems

3) Communication-efficient distributed optimization methods

4) Dimensionality reduction with distance/correlation/rank preservation


Nick Freris is Professor in the School of Computer Science at USTC, and Vice Dean of the International College. He received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 2005, and the M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the M.S. degree in Mathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

(UIUC) in 2007, 2008, and 2010, respectively. 

His research lies in AIoT/CPS/IoT: machine learning, distributed optimization, data mining, wireless networks, control, and signal processing, with applications in power systems, sensor networks, transportation, cyber security, and robotics. Dr. Freris has published several papers in high-profile conferences and journals held by IEEE, ACM, and SIAM. He holds three patents and two patent applications. His research has been sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Dept. of Science and Technology, Tencent, and NSF, and was recognized with the National High-level Talent award, the USTC Alumni Foundation Innovation Scholar award, and the IBM High Value Patent award. Previously, he was with the faculty of NYU and, before that, he held senior researcher and postdoctoral researcher positions at EPFL and IBM Research, respectively. 

Dr. Freris is a Senior Member of ACM and IEEE, and a member of CCF and SIAM.